SB 150 “Forces” Kentucky Education Commissioner, Jason Glass, To Resign From His Position 

“It’s time for me to move on,” said embattled pro-LGBT Kentucky Education Commissioner Jason Glass.

Governor Andy Beshear’s pro-LGBT Education Commissioner, Jason Glass, announced Monday that he will be resigning his job September 29, citing his unwillingness to enforce Senate Bill 150’s commonsense parental rights provisions and protections against LGBT indoctrination of children in Kentucky schools.

Glass has been embroiled in controversy since the Kentucky Department of Education, which Beshear appointed him to lead, issued guidance last year which promoted calling students by their “preferred” pronouns and names behind parents’ backs. Then he refused to back down after public outcry, including receiving emails from thousands of our supporters and being confronted by legislators. In fact, Glass doubled down and proclaimed that any teacher who had a problem keeping parents in the dark should find a new job.

Before deciding to “move on,” Glass issued flawed guidance urging schools to refuse implementation of SB 150’s commonsense protections against LGBT indoctrination in public schools. He even doubled down on that guidance for schools despite an Opinion of the Attorney General that contradicted the guidance, and courts have ruled should be followed by public officials.

The refusal of Beshear’s Commissioner of Education to follow the law is yet another example of the Governor’s LGBT advocacy at the expense of Kentucky children and their families.

Unfortunately, Lexington (Fayette) and Louisville (JCPS) schools have also sought to shirk their legal duty and defy the clear meaning and intent of SB 150.

The JCPS board recently passed a resolution explicitly refusing to follow state law and ordering its school staff to violate the law in multiple ways. However, this week, JCPS Superintendent Dr. Marty Pollio promised state legislators on the Interim Joint Committee on Education that JCPS will take it up at their next meeting and enact a policy that follows state law.

If you live in Jefferson or Fayette County, please continue to tell your school board to follow the law!