Beshear’s KDE Urges Schools to Violate SB 150’s Prohibition of LGBTQ Indoctrination

Governor Beshear’s Department of Education is so determined to indoctrinate Kentucky’s children with a radical gender ideology that they are willing to blatantly undermine the law to do so.

With the passage of Senate Bill 150, the Kentucky General Assembly clearly prohibited schools from instructing elementary-age children in human sexuality or instructing any child, regardless of grade level, in gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation – legislators, media, and advocates on both sides understood this. In fact, the Department of Education understood this and issued guidance on April 17 stating as much.

But now Governor Beshear and his Department of Education have revised their guidance to claim that schools have a “choice” which provision of the law to follow. The “updated” guidance allows for schools to instruct your children in LGBTQ+ propaganda at any grade level despite the language of SB 150 prohibiting it.

This is an absurd interpretation of SB 150 that forsakes the executive branch’s duty to faithfully execute the law that was enacted over Governor Beshear’s veto and only comes after radical LGBTQ+ activists in Louisville urged school officials to “not comply with SB 150” and to do whatever they could “regardless of the law.”

According to Senator Max Wise, the sponsor of SB 150, Kentucky courts have previously ruled that “an interpretation [of a statute] which will lead to an absurd result will be avoided.” Wise concludes that the Beshear administration is “making a feeble attempt to undermine the law and shamelessly inject politics into Kentucky classrooms. KDE demonstrates its clear political lean when it gives SB 150 such a contorted interpretation.”

Representative Shane Baker, Vice Chair of Kentucky’s House Education Committee, stated that “Andy Beshear, Jason Glass, and the Kentucky Department of Education are again showing they are more interested in indoctrinating our children with dangerous gender ideology than providing students with a quality education.” Rep. Baker urged them to “stop playing politics and follow the law to protect Kentucky kids.”

Rep. Baker was the legislator who, during a committee hearing earlier this year, exposed Commissioner of Education Jason Glass’s alarming opinion that teachers should find a new job if they disagreed with his radical guidance telling them to call students by different names and pronouns behind their parents’ backs. That revelation, along with his flawed radical guidance, has embroiled Commissioner Glass in controversy, even leading to the Kentucky General Assembly introducing resolutions calling for the Board of Education to remove him from his role as commissioner.

Governor Beshear, who became the first Kentucky Governor in history to formally recognize and celebrate June as LGBTQ+ Pride Month, has recently come under national scrutiny after an image resurfaced showing him posing with the anti-Christian LGBTQ+ activist group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. According to Fox News, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence identifies as a group of “queer and trans nuns” that are known for mocking Christian beliefs, including holding an annual “Foxy Mary” and “Hunky Jesus” contest, pole dancing on crosses, and using the saying “Go forth and sin some more!”

The Beshear administration has repeatedly shown its commitment to a radical sexual and gender ideology, and its determination to politicize and weaponize the Department of Education to indoctrinate children. The intentional misinterpretation of SB 150 is just the latest example of Governor Beshear disregarding Kentuckians’ family values and instead prioritizing the promotion of a radical gender ideology at the expense of our children’s wellbeing.