CITIZEN: We must create a compassionate pro-life culture that values the dignity of all & supports families.
Supporting Moms, Kids, and Families No Sales Tax on Diapers, Bottles, Breast Pumps Tax Credits for Donations to Pregnancy Resource Centers & Adoption Services Grants

CITIZEN: Attempts to re-legalize abortion & attack pro-life laws must be opposed to uphold human dignity.
Threatens Numerous Pro-Life Laws SB 99 attacks the foundation of all pro-life laws by promoting discrimination and treating some preborn children as unworthy of protection.

Despite Efforts to Re-Legalize Abortion, Kentucky Must Move Forward In Building A Compassionate Pro-Life Culture
Yesterday, Representative Lindsey Burke (D-Lexington) and the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, announced the filing of additional pro-abortion bills (HB 428 & 429) that

Sanctity for Life Sunday: TFF Executive Director Shares Timely Pro-Life Update
This past Sunday was Sanctity for Life Sunday, recognizing the 40th annual Sanctity of Human Life Day that President Ronald Reagan had first proclaimed in

CITIZEN: Rape victims deserve a compassionate culture that provides assistance & values human dignity.
Gov. Andy Beshear’s campaign ad featuring a young lady, named Hadley, explaining to the camera that she was raped and impregnated by her stepfather at

The Family Foundation’s Statement on Meritless, New Abortion Industry Challenge to Kentucky’s Pro-Life Laws
LEXINGTON, KY – Today, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU filed a new legal challenge seeking to have Kentucky courts invent a right to abortion that

Pro-Life States Saving Lives: Study Reveals Abortion Bans Saved At Least 32,000 Babies
A recently released study by The Institute of Labor Economics shows the direct impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe in states,

The Family Foundation Joins Legal Brief In Support of Iowa Heartbeat Law
The Family Foundation, along with over 30 allied family policy councils, filed a “friend-of-the-court” legal brief this week with the Iowa Supreme Court in Planned

KY Election A Sobering Wake-Up Call for Christians & Pro-Lifers
3 takeaways from Andy Beshear’s abortion-fueled victory . . . Friend, Tuesday’s election results in Kentucky, and across the nation, were another sobering reminder that