The 2024 Kentucky Legislative Session came to an end last night . . . and to say it was a session with several large ups and downs, is an understatement!
Thank you for your faithful engagement with us, including praying and taking action by sending thousands of messages to your legislators! In the coming days we will share a more detailed session recap with additional takeaways from the session, including a breakdown of the disappointments (and missed opportunities) of the session that saw important pro-family and pro-life bills fail to pass.
But despite setbacks, I am thankful to the Lord for several important pro-family polices that did pass and for the hard work and service of the General Assembly over the long 60-day session.
See below a short recap of 3 key victories, along with several other additional important polices that passed, that your support helped achieve this session:
Win for Protecting Preborn Life: Every attempt to weaken or undermine Kentucky’s pro-life laws failed this session, including a last-minute (and desperate) attempt by pro-abortion Sen. David Yates (D) to push his abortion exceptions bill that failed in the Kenuctky Senate last night.
Win for Protecting Children: An important law protecting kids from online pornography, HB 278 by Rep. Matt Lockett (R), overwhelmingly passed both chambers and has already been signed into law. Similar laws have led to pornographic websites like “Pornhub” shutting down in others state, and we certainly hope that will happen here in Kentucky now that HB 278 is law!
Win For Educational Choice: A proposed educational freedom amendment to the Kentucky Constitution passed the General Assembly with the needed constitutional majorities (60%). This means the proposed amendment allowing for more educational choices for students and families will be on the November ballot for voters in Kentucky to approve.
And here are several other pro-family priorities bills that passed and have been signed into law:
HB 272 by Rep. Nancy Tate – Important updates to Kentucky’s existing Safe Haven Baby Box Law
HB 10 by Rep. Kim Moser – Momnibus/KY Lifeline for Moms was passed as an amendment to SB 74 by Shelley Funke Frommeyer
HB 179 by Rep. Samara Heavrin – Allowing for the creation of a voluntary family leave private insurance market in Kentucky
HB 829 by Rep. Jason Nemes – While we still oppose Kentucky’s “medical” marijuana program, this bill provides some needed reforms to the program, including allowing for schools and local governments to opt-out.
With the Session ending, primary election season is now in full swing with Kentucky’s very important primary election just over a month away on Tuesday, May 21.
I am excited to share that the iVoterGuide powered Kentucky Primary Voter Guide, covering several very important contested primary races for Kentucky House and Senate, is available online now at VoteKentucky.us.
Thank you for joining with us to help Christians vote wisely and in making an impact this legislative session!
Faithfully, in Christ,

Your support is making an impact, please prayerfully consider supporting the work of The Family Foundation!