Let Us Pray

New Year, New Session, Same Mission (January 4, 2022)


“You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen, for they are rebellious.” – Ezekiel 2:7

And just like that, the new year of 2022 is upon us. Not only have we entered into a new year, but today starts the new Kentucky General Assembly of 2022.

Although we are in a new year and beginning a new legislative session, there is nothing new about our mission as it remains unchanged. Our mission in many ways is the one that God gave to Ezekiel in his day to “speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen.”

Ezekiel was given a difficult responsibility by God to present God’s message to his culture. Ezekiel was tasked with being a voice of truth to the people of Babylon. This nation was full of individuals who not only ignored God’s truth but also rebelled against it.

The Lord commanded Ezekiel to not be afraid and to deliver his message to the people regardless of whether they would listen or not. As we begin the 2022 General Assembly here in Kentucky, may we also adhere to the call of Ezekiel and be courageous voices of truth in our beloved Commonwealth for God as we expect major battles in this year’s session.

Let us speak with clarity and conviction, as Ezekiel did, the truth about life, family, marriage, religious liberty, human sexuality, and more to those in power who shape the direction of our Commonwealth.

Father, give us the fire Ezekiel had when he stood and spoke truth to his culture. Help us to be not afraid when we represent Your truth to our state in the coming General Assembly. Empower us, Lord, to be voices of truth all across our state and nation. Whether people listen or not, may we be found faithful in our proclamation of Your truth to our General Assembly and to our culture. Father, help our legislators to adhere to Your truth and act in accordance with it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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