Let Us Pray

Pregnancy Care Centers Threatened (July 20, 2022)

“They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.” – Romans 1:25

Since 1991, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has given out a prestigious award, the “NCAA Woman of the Year” award to an outstanding collegiate female athlete who not only excelled in their respective sport’s program, but who also distinguished themselves in their academics, leadership roles, and more. The way the honor works is that each college or university that is a member of the NCAA may nominate one female athlete who will then go through various levels of scrutiny and inspection until the NCAA names the occupant of the award.

For one to be eligible to be nominated by their school for this award they must meet very high standards. One of these standards is blatantly obvious, however, as it is in the title, they must be a biological “woman.”

The University of Pennsylvania continues to celebrate immense delusion in relation to Lia Thomas. Lia Thomas is the self-identified transgender female swimmer at UPenn who has repeatedly stolen championships from biological women athletes in the NCAA including the Division 1 championship for the 500 free match this year.

Now UPenn is advancing this delusion to even new heights now. The institution has now nominated the biological man, Lia Thomas, as their choice for the “NCAA Woman of the Year” award. We can only hope that the NCAA will not go down this deluded path and will actually bestow this nomination upon the woman who is truly deserving of this award.

Father, please help us as a nation to honor Your teaching from Genesis that You have created us either male or female. Lord, empower the NCAA to do what is right and not give this prestigious award to a man when it rightly deserves to be given to a woman. Father, may we never be a nation who exchanges the truth about You for a lie. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.