Kentucky Supreme Court Must Stop Judge Perry’s Judicial Activism Allowing Unborn Children in Kentucky To Be Killed

LEXINGTON, KY – In an appalling act of judicial activism, Jefferson County Circuit Court Judge Mitch Perry has issued a temporary injunction allowing Kentucky’s abortion mills to continue profiting off “the termination of the life of an unborn human being.” The judge issued a temporary injunction against enforcement of Kentucky’s Human Life Protection Act, that had gone into effect after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe on June 24, and Kentucky’s Heartbeat Law.

The Human Life Protection Act, also known as the conditional “trigger” abortion ban, prohibits abortions in the Commonwealth unless the procedure is necessary to protect the life of the mother.

Statement from David Walls, Executive Director of The Family Foundation:

“Judge Perry’s appalling action to issue a temporary injunction against enforcement of Kentucky’s Human Life Protection Act is egregiously wrong and unjustifiable. Perry continues to blatantly disregard the Commonwealth’s pro-life laws, history, and the U.S. Supreme Court. But make no mistake, Kentucky’s prohibition on abortion is still the law of the land in Kentucky. The Kentucky Supreme Court must end this injunction immediately to ensure that the abortion industry stops killing children in the womb in violation of the law.”

“Judge Perry’s suggestion that the Kentucky Constitution somehow secretly contains a right to terminate the life and stop the beating heart of an unborn human being, despite Kentucky’s clear 150-year pro-life history, is absolutely absurd. This is also a crystal-clear reminder why Kentuckians must ensure that this injustice is only temporary and this state-level judicial activism can never happen again by passing the “Yes for Life” Constitutional Amendment on November 8,” Walls concluded.

On June 24, the Kentucky General Assembly having made its pro-life intent clear, Kentucky’s Human Life Protection Act went into effect when the U.S. Supreme Court declared that there is no federal right to abortion. Lives were immediately saved, with the judge told that more than 200 preborn children had been saved within the few days following. Judge Perry’s radical judicial activism has since claimed to effectively suspend Kentucky law contrary to the Kentucky Constitution, facilitating abortion mills in terminating the lives of unborn human children.

The Kentucky Supreme Court must act and immediately end this single judge’s egregiously wrong decision to effectively suspend enforcement of laws passed by the Kentucky General Assembly, despite the Kentucky Constitution expressly prohibiting him from doing so.

The Family Foundation is a founding member of the “Yes for Life” Alliance. Kentuckians can learn more about the “Yes for Life” Constitutional Amendment at