Two BIG pro-family wins worth celebrating!

Update from our Executive Director David Walls

I’m grateful to the Lord to share two important pro-family victories!

First, a federal district court in Kentucky halted the Biden Administration’s outrageous Title IX rules yesterday, while the legal challenge led by Attorney General Russell Coleman continues. 

If the rules had gone into effect on August 1, public K-12 schools and universities would have been required to allow males identifying as girls into girls’ restrooms, locker rooms, and sports. It’s outrageous that this administration is willing to sacrifice the safety, privacy, and educational opportunities of women and girls at the altar of those promoting harmful gender ideologies.

I agree wholeheartedly with Judge Danny Reeves, who clearly stated the truth in the first sentence of the decision, “There are two sexes: male and female.”

With your support, we can continue to ensure that Kentucky pushes back against these politicized efforts to infuse radical gender ideology into law. 

Second, Pornhub, the world’s largest provider of online pornography, announced it is shutting down access in Kentucky ahead of HB 278 going into effect in July.

HB 278 includes protections for children online by requiring meaningful age verification for pornographic websites. The Family Foundation helped advocate for HB 278 during the 2024 General Assembly, and I continue to be thankful for the strong support in the General Assembly to pass this important bill.

This is another big victory for protecting kids across Kentucky. I know that you join me in celebrating that Pornhub is leaving Kentucky, as it has done in other states that have passed similar protections for kids. We must continue to protect children online from the massive porn and social media industries that should be protecting kids rather than profiting from them.

I also want to thank you because YOUR support helps makes these important wins possible!

Your support, engagement, and prayers enabled The Family Foundation to advocate for protections for women’s and girls’ sports with the Save Women’s Sports Act and to protect kids online with HB 278. Our alliance of state family policy councils have played a vital role is helping 25 states pass Save Women’s Sports laws and 17 states protect kids online over the last several years!

If you haven’t partnered with us yet, please prayerfully consider making a donation with the impact of these victories in mind. You can CLICK HERE to make an easy, secure gift on our website>>>

Your support makes possible all of our educational, policy, legal, and advocacy work, including our free Kentucky Citizen publication.

Thank you for playing a vital role in securing victories for Kentucky and the entire nation!

Faithfully, in Christ,

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