Let Us Pray

“You shall not murder.” – Deuteronomy 5:17

The abortion giant, Planned Parenthood, has just released its most recent annual report which reveals facts about the business from 2020. Planned Parenthood’s 2020 annual report is nothing short of gut-wrenching and divulges the actual purpose of the business which has nothing to do with women’s health as the organization claims, but everything to do with abortion.

The annual report revealed that Planned Parenthood had its most gruesome year yet in its history with the killing of 383,460 babies in one single year. Nearly 30,000 more babies were murdered in 2020 by the abortion giant than just one year earlier in 2019.

To put into perspective how spine-chilling these numbers are, consider this… Planned Parenthood killed 1,050 babies via abortion every single day. This means that every eighty-two seconds Planned Parenthood terminated a baby’s life in the womb.

Thankfully, here in Kentucky, we have a chance to protect human life from vicious abortion mills by voting for the Yes for Life Amendment on the ballot on November 8th. By voting for the Yes for Life Amendment, our Commonwealth can make it clear that there is no Constitutional right to abortion or the funding of abortion, thus making it impossible for any judge to ever make up a fictional right to one.

Father, empower Your people here in Kentucky to go to the ballot box and vote for the Yes for Life Amendment. Lord, we pray that not only Kentucky, but one day all of America will be free from the evil of abortion. Father, help us to defend human life in every possible way we can. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.