Let Us Pray

The Importance of Knowing God and Following His Ways

“This God—his way is perfect; the word of the LORD proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.” – Psalm 18:30

Following the ways of the Lord, that have been provided for humanity through the Scriptures is the path that leads not only to eternal life but to also a life of flourishing here on earth. By structuring our lives in alignment with the teachings of the Bible, we will experience a great deal of satisfaction and fulfillment.

This truth has been once again revealed by a recent survey conducted by the American Enterprise Institute’s Survey Center on American Life. The survey found that those who have the greatest amount of meaning and purpose in their lives are those who believe in God and are married.

The study showed that the majority of evangelical Christians said, “in the past 12 months they always or often have felt their life has meaning.” In contrast, the “nones,” those who have no religious affiliation, have a much lower sense of the significance of their lives.

It is no secret that our American culture is continuing down a path of increased secularism, and this road of abandoning God and His truth leads only to despair and meaninglessness, as this new survey reveals. Humans are created by God and for God, and thus, only through having a relationship with God can one find true contentment, meaning, and significance.

To truly love our neighbor, we must boldly proclaim to our culture the need to know God and the need to follow His ways if we desire to see our society find meaning and significance in life.

Father, thank You for creating us for Yourself and the joy, love, contentment, significance, and more that we have by knowing You. Lord, please open the spiritual eyes of those who do not believe in You. Father, help us to lead our culture to believe in You and to follow Your ways so that they can find meaning and flourishing in this life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.