Let Us Pray

Strong Marriages Lead to Strong Families

“The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband.” – 1 Corinthians 7:3

There is no doubting the academic studies and research at this point, which affirms the truth of Scripture, that families are strong when marriages are strong. The very best environment for children to be raised in to become resilient and productive adults is the environment of strong a marriage relationship between their mother and father.

Research has clearly revealed that strong marriages benefit children as they are more likely to enjoy emotional and behavioral well-being. For a strong society at large, it means that marriages in our nation must be strong.

Unfortunately, according to recent data from Forbes Advisor, marriages in our Commonwealth are suffering. Kentucky ranks fifth for divorce rates in the United States. The total percentage of the population of Kentucky that is divorced is 12.6%.

In 2022, the divorce rate for married women who are divorcing in Kentucky per 1,000, stands at 19.52%. From a larger perspective, the United States has the tenth highest divorce rate in the world with 50% of all first marriages ending in divorce.

For America to thrive, we must have a strong cultural society, and that can only come about from strong marriages which leads to strong families.


Father, help Kentucky and the entire nation to see the need for strong and vibrant marriages as the foundation of a strong society. Lord, help us as a nation to adhere to and follow Your truth about marriage that is found in Your Word. Father, we praise You for the blessing of marriage and the beauty of it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.