Let Us Pray

Patient for Life

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” – Psalm 139:14

Recently, on Fox News Digital, a young male, who formerly identified as a transgender female opened up about horrors that he experienced due to the transgender “transition” procedures he received as a boy. Kobe’s desire in opening up about his story is to hopefully, “warn others not to follow in his footsteps.”

Kobe shared about the deep psychological issues that ultimately led him to believe that he was a transgender female at the tender age of age 11. At 13 years of age, Kobe was put on puberty blockers, at 16 he was started on estrogen, and by 19, sadly, he had castration surgery.

In a chilling comment, Kobe stated the horrific reality of where these dangerous “transition” procedures leave someone, and that is in a perpetual state of being a “patient for life.” He said, “I was expecting it to help me help my mental health, and it didn’t do anything. I just wasted so much time, and all I did really was become a medical patient for life.”

Furthermore, speaking of the “transition” procedures, Kobe stated that really, they are just “self-harm.” He said, “I was like, ‘Oh, wow, this is so great. I’m locked in my transition. … But then everything started to crack, and I couldn’t ignore the complications. I couldn’t ignore that I mutilated myself pretty much with the permission of a psychiatrist. It’s insane now, looking back. It’s just self-harm, you know.”

The Kentucky General Assembly passed Senate Bill 150 this legislative session to protect other kids from the harms of “transition” procedures and from becoming medical patients for life. Now that the bill has come under threat by transgender activists, the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals desperately needs to rule to keep Senate Bill 150 in effect to protect kids from futures like Kobe’s.


Father, we pray that the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will rule righteously and keep SB 150 in effect here in Kentucky. Lord, we praise You that vulnerable kids are protected from dangerous experimental transition procedures right now here in Kentucky. Father, thank You for fearfully and wonderfully creating us in Your image. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.