Let Us Pray

Happy Thanksgiving!

“Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – Ephesians 5:20

The history of the Holiday of Thanksgiving centers on courageous pioneers who were searching to find new land in order to birth a new nation that would be characterized by freedom. This new nation would be one where the pilgrims could freely worship, serve, honor, and live their lives in accordance with the Scriptures.

In the pilgrims’ search for this new land, they landed on the coastline of North America. It was on this continent and on these sandy beaches that the courageous pioneers set foot and settled. Once the pilgrims landed at Plymouth, they set their eyes on Almighty God and gave thanks to Him in Prayer. This is considered to be the birth of the Holiday we now celebrate as Thanksgiving.

The Bible teaches that as believers we are not only to show thankfulness at this time in the year or on one specific day. As Christians, we are to be “always giving thanks to God the Father for everything.”

This Thanksgiving, may we follow in the example of the pilgrims and set our eyes upon the Lord and give Him thanks. May we focus this Thanksgiving and every day on the bountiful blessings God has so graciously and freely showered upon us.

Father, help us to be people who are defined by our thankfulness to You. Lord, we recognize that You are the giver of all good gifts, and we praise You for being such a wonderful Father. Thank You, Lord, above all else for Your Son and the salvation He makes possible for us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.