Let Us Pray

Gov. Beshear’s Inconsistencies on Display

“Let no one deceive you with empty words…” – Ephesians 5:6a

Kentucky Values, a group associated with the National Republican Governors Association, recently released a video rightly declaring that Gov. Beshear has been vehemently pushing the radical transgender agenda here in the Commonwealth. The thirty-second video describes Gov. Beshear’s support for “transition” procedures which are extremely dangerous.

“Transition” procedures lead to permanent damage and include surgical mutilation, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormone therapy. The video, over the weekend, was removed from Youtube as the massive video-sharing organization claimed it violated its hate speech rules.

Thankfully, this big tech overreach of censoring was corrected, and the video was back up on Youtube Monday morning. This video has brought to light Gov. Beshear’s inconsistencies in advocating for the transgender agenda. In recent days, Gov. Beshear has tried to clarify that he does not support surgical “transition” procedures on youth.

However, in this year’s legislative session, he vetoed Senate Bill 150, which has numerous provisions, one of them being that it banned surgical reassignment surgeries on kids. It must also be asked, why would Gov. Beshear not support surgical “transition” procedures, but support other “transition” methods that also lead to grave harm for children?

The Governor’s inconsistencies are startling, if the health and well-being of children in Kentucky are a priority to him then he must withdraw support from all of the dangerous “transition” procedures.


Father, please enlighten transgender activists to truly see the reality that all “transition” procedures lead to harm as they all go against Your perfect design of each person. Lord, help us to courageously speak the truth even when threatened with censorship from those wanting to silence the truth. Father, please open the eyes of Governor Beshear to see the truth about human sexuality. In Jesus’ Name, Amen