Let Us Pray

Churchgoers on Social Issues and Worldview

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” – Romans 12:2

The Family Research Council’s Center for Biblical Worldview recently published a new national survey examining adult churchgoers on social issues and worldview. The findings in the survey highlight some encouraging points and some not-so-encouraging realities.

The survey examines regular attenders of Christian church services, most of the individuals surveyed attend weekly. It is no secret that we are living in perplexing times, and this showed in the research as it was positively found that the majority of adult churchgoers said that they desire their church to offer additional worldview training on social and political responsibility, abortion and the value of life, and human sexuality.

Another high note in the survey revealed that 88% of adult churchgoers believe that it is important for Christians to have a Biblical worldview. There were, however, some concerning points in the survey as well.

The research found that a considerable percentage of adult churchgoers do not believe that the Bible addresses some extremely important matters. Consider these numbers, only 65% believe that the Bible addresses the morality of killing an unborn child, only 63% believe that the Bible addresses whether or not homosexuality is morally acceptable, only 59% believe that the Bible addresses how to know a person’s gender, only 52% believe that the Bible addresses if transgenderism is morally acceptable, and only 44% believe that the Bible addresses what types of candidates to vote for.

The Bible provides a framework for all issues in life to be viewed and understood through a Christian perspective. There is no ambiguity in how the Bible addresses issues such as abortion, homosexuality, gender, and more. This survey reveals that there is much work to still be accomplished in teaching Christians to view all areas of life through the lens of God’s Word.

Father, may Your people understand that Your Word is sufficient to help us understand all areas of life and how to live in a way that is pleasing to You. Lord, may Your Church here in our nation truly have a Biblical Worldview. Father, empower us to teach and disciple Your people to adopt and adhere to a worldview that is in line with Your Word. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.