Let Us Pray

California’s Pregnancy Resource Centers Under Siege for Reversing Abortions

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.” – 1 Corinthians 16:13

Pregnancy resource centers provide immensely important care for vulnerable, confused, and struggling women. Unfortunately, in recent days, two pregnancy resource centers in California, Heartbeat International and RealOption Obria, which both are pro-life faith-based organizations, have come under siege as California Attorney General Rob Bonta announced a lawsuit targeting the two organizations.

The Attorney General in his press release states that the lawsuit is in response to the two pregnancy resource centers, “fraudulent and misleading claims to advertise an unproven and largely experimental procedure called ‘abortion pill reversal.’” This baseless claim released by the Attorney General is nothing more than a cover-up that allows him to attack these pro-life centers.

Attorney General Bonta has absolutely no undergirding support to sue Heartbeat International and RealOption Obria for making “fraudulent and misleading claims” in connection to the abortion pill reversal. Simply put, he is ruthlessly going after these two pregnancy resource centers because he is so staunchly in the pro-abortion corner that he does not want it known that chemical abortion can be reversed with emergency progesterone treatments.

The fact is, women who take the abortion pill do have regrets, do come to the realization that it was a mistake, and do desire to reverse that decision by taking emergency progesterone treatments in hopes of saving their baby’s life. It’s a sad reality that there are some, like Attorney General Bonta, who are so dedicated to the abortion lobby that they cannot accept that a woman might decide after mistakenly taking the abortion pill that they would want to save the life of their child.

Father, we praise You for the great and honorable work of Heartbeat International and RealOption Obria. Lord, please strengthen both of these wonderful organizations as they endure the unfounded attacks that are coming their way from their state’s Attorney General. Father, please reveal to Attorney General Bonta the errors of his view on this issue and empower him to change course. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.