Let Us Pray

A Call to Pray

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” – James 5:16b

Communion with God through prayer is the most powerful resource a Christian has in this life. Unfortunately, too often, Christians see prayer as a last resort when all else fails.

In all the various circumstances of life that we as Christians go through our first response should be prayer. Prayer is so powerful because as Christians we are allowed to go straight to God who is infinitely able to answer any request we put before Him.

Today, Kentuckians have the opportunity to gather together and pray for our beloved Commonwealth asking God to heal, bless, and move greatly throughout our state. At 12:00 PM EST in the Capitol Rotunda, there will be a time of worship and prayer hosted by the Kentucky Legislative Prayer Caucus and led by Caucus Chairman Rep. David Hale.

This event will be a wonderful time where legislators, constitutional officers, and faith-oriented Kentuckians will unite together to seek the Lord in prayer and to take a stand for faith. Whether you are able to join us at the Kentucky Capitol or unite with us in prayer from afar, let us all seek the Lord diligently in prayer for our state as we confidently know that the “prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

Father, thank You for the incredible blessing that we have to come to You at any time through prayer. Lord, help us to truly understand the true power and effectiveness of prayer. Father, please heal, bless, and move greatly throughout our state. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.