CITIZEN: The Family Foundation and allies standing strong for faith, family, and freedom

In the midst of an increasingly hostile culture, media, and government, it’s encouraging to be reminded of the unity we have in Christ with our fellow family councils (FPCs) across our great nation.

Earlier this summer, I was honored to represent The Family Foundation in Washington, D.C. with our close to 40 fellow state FPC leaders; along with national allies Family Policy Alliance, Focus on the Family, Alliance Defending Freedom, and Family Research Council.

These organizations, like The Family Foundation here in Kentucky, are committed towards a vision where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished in public policy in our states and in our nation.

Together, we work to advance pro-family legislation, mobilize churches on these critical issues, and be a voice for pro-family citizens within our own states.

And there could not be a more monumental and exciting time to be serving the Lord in the public policy arena and equipping His body, the church, to be courageous advocates for truth and the family.

Just this year, the pro-life movement has seen historic gains in the fight to end legalized abortion, with a record-setting 90 pro-life laws having been passed so far in 2021. This includes Kentucky’s Yes for Life Constitutional Amendment, passed as House Bill 91 in the 2021 Session, that is set for a vote by the citizens of Kentucky in November 2022.

These laws have already had a major impact on the U.S. Supreme Court, which has the opportunity to overrule its unjust and disastrous Roe decision in the upcoming Dobbs case that is expected to be argued later this year. By God’s grace, at this very moment, we could be paving the way to extinguish abortion in America!

But that’s not all! There has also been a significant increase in pro-family bills at the state level pushing back against the all-encompassing LGBTQ agenda. This includes continued momentum for “Save Girls’ Sports” bills, protecting women from unfairly being forced to compete against men, and the “Help Not Harm Act,” protecting children from transgender medical experiments and drugs that can leave kids sterilized and mutilated.

As our world continues to grow darker, The Family Foundation and our fellow FPCs, are needed more than ever. God has generously used the FPC movement to help achieve many of the legislative victories seen this year. But so much more is left to do!

We must continue to take a stand for God-honoring public policy if we are to see our individual states and nation uphold the Biblical values on which our great republic was founded.

It is an honor and privilege to stand with our fellow brothers and sisters from across the nation fighting this good fight in their states. I am excited for how the Lord has and will continue to use The Family Foundation in the mission He has called us to within our great Commonwealth.

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Kentucky Citizen publication.

David Walls
Director of Operations & Policy
for The Family Foundation