The Family Foundation Joins 30 State Coalition Opposing Biden Vaccine Mandate in Legal Brief Filed at U.S. Supreme Court

LEXINGTON, KY – The Family Foundation has joined its coalition of state family policy councils in opposing the Biden Administration’s illegal employee vaccine mandate by filing a legal amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments in the case (N.F.I.B. v. D.O.L, U.S., No. 21A244) on Friday, January 7th.

“The Biden Administration’s national vaccine mandate is unlawful and displays a shocking disregard for our constitutional right to religious freedom,” said David Walls, The Family Foundation’s Executive Director. “The Family Foundation is proud to join with 30 other family policy councils in challenging this gross overreach by unelected bureaucrats. We must take a stand to preserve our most foundational freedom in our nation and in our Commonwealth.”

The consolidated case, brought by a union of states and business industry groups, challenges the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) nationwide vaccine-or-testing rule for U.S. businesses with 100 or more employees.

The legal brief explains:

“Unlike Congress and the states, federal agencies have historically been inattentive to religious liberty. They often disregard potential effects of their rules on religious exercise, leading to results that the political process would not otherwise countenance… OSHA’s rule here epitomizes these problems, as the agency invoked a novel reading of its own statutory authority to avoid any public participation at all through notice-and-comment rulemaking and then all but ignored the significant religious liberty implications of its rule.”

In addition to The Family Foundation in Kentucky, other allied family policy organizations that signed on to the legal brief as amici curiae include: Nebraska Family Alliance, Cornerstone Policy Research of New Hampshire, Kansas Family Voice, Indiana Family Institute, Palmetto Family Council (South Carolina), Family Policy Institute of Washington, Center for Christin Virtue of Ohio, Montana Family Foundation, The Family Foundation of Virginia, Idaho Family Policy Center, Florida Family Policy Council, New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, Family Policy Alliance of New Jersey, Delaware Family Policy Council, North Dakota Family Alliance, Christian Civic League of Maine, Family Institute of Connecticut, Wisconsin Family Action, Texas Values, California Family Council, Massachusetts Family Institute, Michigan Family Forum, Louisiana Family Forum, Frontline Policy Council (Georgia), Minnesota Family Council, Family Policy Alliance of New Mexico, Pennsylvania Family Council, The Family Leader of Iowa, North Carolina Family Policy Council, and Family Policy Alliance.

The legal amicus brief filed at the U. S. Supreme Court can be viewed here.

The Family Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that stands for Kentucky families and the Biblical values that make them strong. Learn more at