Religious Liberty Under Attack


More evidence of the religious freedom-encroaching agenda of the “fairness” folks is seen in Michigan.

After a legal challenge by the ACLU, Michigan’s court gave Christian adoption and foster care organizations two options, just as in Illinois and the City of Philadelphia: Conform or Close Your Doors.

Bethany Christian Services in Michigan has changed their policy to place orphans with same-sex couples so they can maintain their government contract. St. Vincent Catholic Charities of Michigan, on the other hand, is refusing to violate their beliefs and is fighting back with a lawsuit of their own.

The ACLU challenge was filed in response to a state law passed in 2015 that provided an exemption for faith-based child welfare services. Now, Michigan’s judicial overreach overturning this law has nullified Constitutional protections and a resounding vote of the 2015 legislature.

This situation shows the suppression of religious expression is no longer lingering upon the coast lines of New York and California. “Trump States” are now under attack from left wing activists to force conformity upon vital religious institutions.

Currently, the Kentucky Legislature has not passed any legislation addressing this issue.

The one thing that is clear is the LGBTQ agenda to forgo the well-being of children in order to achieve their sexual agenda.