PP Attempts to Thwart Safety Regulation

LEXINGTON, KY–“The organization that talks about safe and legal abortions doesn’t seem to care enough about safety to make sure that women get the care they need if something goes wrong,” said a spokesman for The Family Foundation today. The comment came in response to another round in the legal fight between the Bevin Administration and Planned Parenthood.

Rather than simply filing a new application for an abortion license, as required by Kentucky law, America’s largest abortion provider is asking the court to use its contempt power and force the Administration to issue an abortion license.

Despite Planned Parenthood’s serious allegation that the Administration has been in contempt of court for two full years, their recent motion is the first time they’ve mentioned it.

The same court recently ruled that requiring abortion clinics to have a “transfer and transport agreement” with a local hospital, which is required by state law to ensure the safety of the mother in case the surgery goes wrong, is unconstitutional. That decision is currently on appeal to the Sixth Circuit.

“But regardless of the technicalities of this case,” said Cothran, “Planned Parenthood should be red-faced for fighting a common sense requirement that would protect women from botched abortions. The Bevin Administration is acting on behalf of the safety of women, and Planned Parenthood is fighting it. So much for Planned Parenthood’s false abortion narrative.”


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