Let Us Pray

Let Us Pray: Momentum Continues to Grow to Protect Children from Dangerous Transition Procedures

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.” – Proverbs 31:8

There is an unmistakable momentum growing across our nation right now fueled by the desire to protect America’s children from dangerous transgender “transition” procedures. There are numerous transgender “transition” procedures which include cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and even surgical mutilation.

“Transition” procedures can lead to life-long damage, and to what was once a healthy child into a life of perpetual health problems. Instead of confused and vulnerable children being rushed into these life-altering “transition” procedures, they should be truly cared for and helped to embrace God’s perfect creation of the biological makeup.

Praise be to God; this is why eighteen states have now passed measures to protect children from these “transition” procedures. Kentucky is one of these states with the passing of Senate Bill 150 in this year’s legislative session.

More and more states are waking up to the reality that vulnerable children who are struggling with their biological sex should not be allowed to engage in “transition” procedures as these methods only lead to more pain and hurt. It must be noted and recognized that these “transition” procedures, even beyond the physiological damage that they can cause, ultimately diminish and destroys the unique and perfect way that one has been created by God which will never lead to a life of fruitfulness.


Father, we praise You for the eighteen states that have passed legislative measures to protect vulnerable children from “transition” procedures. Lord, empower every other state in our nation to pass similar laws to protect the children who live in them. Father, help our nation as a whole to realize that You have created each one of us perfectly as either male or female. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.