Let Us Pray

“You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up.” – Deut. 11:19

Over the past five years, Kentucky’s Public Educational System has experienced substantial and extensive change. Close to 100,000 students in Kentucky have now opted out of traditional public schools and have started relying on other paths of education such as private schools, homeschooling, etc.

This in part is due to the fact that the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has tried various stunts, like the recent release of their “toolkit,” to forcibly push LGBTQI+ propaganda throughout Kentucky schools all the while keeping parents in the dark. This is also due in part to the reality that policymakers for too long have pumped money into public school districts and not to the students.

However, recently there is a growing effort that is catching momentum that focuses on shifting funds to the students and allowing their parents to make the decision of where their child or children will be educated. For example, the Governor of the state of Arizona just signed into law the universal education choice program which allows every parent to use educational funds to pay for the school of their choice, whether it be private, charter, public, etc., that best fits the needs of their children.

Kentucky’s education policy needs to align more with this philosophy that makes it clear that parental authority will be prioritized. Dr. Gary Houchens, professor of educational administration at Western Kentucky University put it best when he wrote, “To the fullest extent possible, every education policy that comes out of Frankfort should put parents in the driver’s seat when it comes to their children.”

Father, please help our policymakers here in Kentucky to pass laws that truly put parents in the driver’s seat of their children’s education. Lord, empower parents across the Commonwealth to step up, be active, and be watchful over their child’s education. Father, please help Kentucky’s students to know Your truth and to live by it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.