Let Us Pray

Important Hearing Today (December 15, 2021)


“…I also do my best to maintain always a blameless conscience both before God and before men.” – Acts 24:16

Today at 1 PM, the Interim Joint Committee on Health, Welfare, and Family Services will meet in Frankfort to consider several issues, including Rep. Nancy Tate’s pro-life omnibus bill, the Humanity in Healthcare Act.

The Humanity in Healthcare Act seeks to restore confidence in the medical profession by ensuring it maintains a respect for life and conscience.

Documentation and reporting requirements ensure that surgical abortion centers maintain the bare minimum medical standards every woman deserves.

Prohibiting the direct delivery of abortion-inducing drugs through the mail prioritizes every woman’s health and safety, and ensures the doctor-patient relationship isn’t undermined.

The dignified treatment of human remains ensures that the profession remains humane and reinforces the professional oath to “do no harm.”

And importantly, the Humanity in Healthcare Act protects the medical professionals’ right of conscience so that they can continue to maintain the vital doctor-patient relationship without outside interference, providing the care their patients need.

Father, grant Rep. Tate’s bill favor during today’s hearing. Prepare the hearts and minds of these committee members and other legislators to be receptive to this important legislation. May Kentucky be a place where life and conscience are respected and valued within the medical profession. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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