Let Us Pray

Enhance the World Around You

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” -Matthew 5:13-16

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, made an interesting statement in Matthew 5:13-16 to His followers, and to us today, when He commanded believers in Him to be the “salt of the earth.” Salt during this time period in which Jesus spoke was used for multiple things which allows us to understand His command better today.

For this writing, we will focus on one of the producing facets of salt, and that is the fact that salt is and was used to enhance that to which it is and has been applied. For example, if an individual was going to grill a steak and it was grilled perfectly it would be flavorful. However, if a little salt is added to season it, the steak would be even more delicious and mouthwatering.

In other words, salt when added to meat or food makes it better. With this in mind, let us refocus on the words of Jesus calling us the “salt of the earth.” It could faithfully be understood that when Jesus in Matthew 5:13-16 calls us “salt” He is calling us to enhance our society and culture around us.

This can be accomplished in multiple ways, but one way we can enhance the world around us is by advocating and working hard to advance God-honoring public policy in our Commonwealth in this 2023 legislative session. We can enhance the lives of families and neighbors by promoting laws in our land that glorify God and bring serenity to our beloved state.


Father, help us to take the command to be salt in our world seriously. May we fervently seek to enhance the lives and well-being of others by promoting righteous laws throughout our land in this legislative session. Father, help us to influence our world for Your sake in a powerful way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.