Let Us Pray

Early Voting Begins Today (May 12, 2022)

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.” – Proverbs 14:34

May 17th is Election Day, however Kentuckians now have the opportunity to go to the ballot box and cast their votes early, beginning today.

Early voting will come to an end on Saturday, May the 14th. Anyone registered to vote in Kentucky may do so early, as there are no qualifying reasons necessary.

Primary Elections are very important as they determine who will represent one’s political party in the November election. In the past, Primary Elections have not had good turnouts. May we, as Kentuckians, take our precious right to vote seriously and determine to exercise it.

As we go to the ballot box for this Primary Election, let us casts our votes prayerfully. May we truly seek to vote for those who will promulgate righteousness in our land so that God is honored and our nation flourishes.

Father, thank You, for the incredible right we have as Americans to vote and select our leaders. Father, may each one of us prayerfully seek You in determining who the right candidates are to vote for. Lord, help us, in Kentucky to put individuals in office who will truly seek Your face. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.