Let Us Pray

“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” – Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Parental rights are under threat with the recent release of a formal paper from the Journal of Medical Ethics. This document details an argument explaining that parents should lose their rights when their child is dealing with gender dysphoria so that the child may experience the so-called “benefits” of gender-affirming surgery.

These gender-affirming surgeries are procedures that will forever mutilate, change, and alter the body. This paper is arguing that it is beneficial to allow a child or kid to decide for themselves whether or not they want or need gender-affirming surgery to be able to live out who they really are. Transgender activists need to understand that mutilating a healthy body of a confused child is not helping them to become who they truly are, it is destroying the wonderful way in which God has created them.

The Journal of Medical Ethics unequivocally argues, however, that parents should have no right to interfere in the child’s decision for gender-affirming surgery. The document goes as far as to say parents shouldn’t even have a conversation with their confused child, the parent’s only response should be that of affirmation. This is an attack on the Biblical mandate parents have been given to love, lead, and guide their children in the ways of the Lord.

Unfortunately, during Kentucky’s 2021 Legislative Session the “Parents’ Rights Protection Act” failed to get through the Assembly. This bill would have ensured that the rights of parents are “fundamental rights.” Thus, Kentucky families would have been protected by not allowing the government to unnecessarily undermine parental rights.

Father, help parents all across our nation to lead, guide, and love their children in a way that honors You. Lord, please help parents who have a child that is struggling with gender dysphoria to reveal Your truth and love to them. Father, please protect parental rights so that parents may fulfill their Biblical command to raise their children in Your truth. Please protect children who are struggling with their biological makeup, Lord, may they not be preyed upon and used by transgender activists. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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