HCR 93 passes KY House, helps Congress act

On Feb. 27, the U.S. House of Representatives gave survivors, their families, and advocates the biggest victory in the fight against sex trafficking since the Trafficking Victims Protection Act in 2000. The Family Foundation was one of the voices speaking up for the voiceless and advocating justice for the victims of sex trafficking.

The Family Foundation partnered with the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE in Washington, DC) and Refuge for Women (Lexington, KY) to encourage Kentucky’s state legislators to join the growing chorus urging Congress to close the loophole in the Communications Decency Act.

On Friday, Feb. 23, just four days before the Washington vote – the Kentucky House unanimously passed HCR 93, sponsored by Rep. Donna Mayfield (R-Winchester), which urged Congress and Kentucky’s Congressional Delegation to support reforming the CDA.

“Kentucky’s House of Representatives unanimously signaled to the U.S. Congress that it is time to stem the burgeoning growth of online sex trafficking by amending the Communications Decency Act (CDA),” said Lisa L. Thompson, Vice President of Research and Education for the National Center on Sexual Exploitation. “In an 83-0 vote, Kentucky’s legislature passed a resolution sending the unequivocal message to Congress that all those who facilitate sex trafficking must be held accountable — including website operators with business models built on sexual exploitation. NCOSE applauds this action, as well as Reps. Donna Mayfield (Retired, U.S. Marshals Service) and Melinda Prunty for spearheading this effort.”

Kentucky’s stand helped passage of the legislative package in the U.S. House. The Family Foundation made every Kentucky Congressman aware of the resolution urging them to amend the CDA and five of Kentucky’s six Congressmen voted to pass the legislative package amending doing just that.

Just as Kentucky’s HCR 93 must now be considered by the Kentucky Senate, the legislative package passed by the U.S. House must now be considered by the U.S. Senate. When HCR 93 passes the full General Assembly and is signed by Gov. Bevin, an official copy will be sent to Sen. Mitch McConnell and Sen. Rand Paul.

The Family Foundation has also worked on several other anti-trafficking efforts in the General Assembly this Session. (See legislation listed above) These efforts include treating trafficking offenders as violent offenders, empowering truckers against trafficking, and combatting child trafficking at hotels.