CITIZEN: Refusal of schools to follow last year’s parental rights law is alarming and must be addressed.

HB 304 adds an enforcement mechanism to last year’s parental rights in education law & addresses recent issues in Anderson County.

Schools Resisting Parental Rights Law

Of the schools refusing to follow last year’s SB 150 parental rights protections, Jefferson County (JCPS) is the most blatant. JCPS allowed student instruction in gender identity and sexual orientation; undermined student privacy and safety rights in restrooms and locker rooms; intimidated and threatened teachers and staff with disciplinary action if they exercised their First Amendment rights; and threatened teachers with disciplinary action if they didn’t hide student information from parents.

Guidance Counselor in Anderson County

A guidance counselor who identified as the “cheerleader of the gays” recently faced allegations of misconduct after keeping parents in the dark, exchanging 200+ text messages and phone calls with the student, and conspiring to frame the parents for “emotional abuse.”

Solutions in HB 304

Parents are given a cause of action, allowing them to hold schools responsible for their egregious disregard for the law and violations of fundamental parental rights.

Parental notification provisions will help address the situation in Anderson County and ensure parents have the information they need to care for their children.

HB 304 Talking points

  1. Parental rights are fundamental and should be respected, including in the educational context.
  2. Schools must be held accountable for blatant disregard for the law and the rights of parents.
  3. Parental notification is an important part of ensuring parents have the info they need to seek their child’s best interest.
  4. Students, schools, and communities benefit from parental involvement in education.

Encourage your KY legislators To support HB 304!

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