Activist Federal Judge Blocks Kentucky’s Newest Pro-Life Law

LOUISVILLE, KY – Yesterday, a federal judge in Kentucky blocked several major components of House Bill 3, the pro-life Humanity in Healthcare Act, that was passed into law by the General Assembly earlier this year. The Family Foundation, along with other pro-life organizations, worked in the recently completed legislative session to support HB 3, a pro-life omnibus bill with important health and safety protections for Kentucky’s women and unborn children.

The ACLU and Planned Parenthood, on behalf of Kentucky’s two abortion centers, went to court immediately after HB 3 took effect, asking that the broadly supported law protecting women and their unborn babies be blocked.

“It is disappointing to see another activist ruling that puts pro-abortion politics above the law,” said David Walls, Executive Director of The Family Foundation.

“By refusing to comply with HB 3’s commonsense protections and immediately running to court, abortion advocates have once again revealed they do not really care about women and only desire to further profit off the slaughter of babies in the womb.

I am thankful that Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron will continue to strongly defend HB 3’s pro-life protections as this case moves forward. Kentuckians, and all Americans, are earnestly looking towards a time, very soon, where states can protect their most vulnerable citizens, preborn babies in the womb, without interference from activist courts,” Walls concluded.

The Biden administration’s recent reversal of long-standing FDA safety guidelines threatened the doctor-patient relationship that many women rely upon and dangerously substituted it for ‘do-it-yourself’ mail-order abortion. HB 3 includes a prohibition of mail-order abortion and was also amended to include a 15-week ban on abortion that would go into effect if the U.S. Supreme Court rules that such a ban is constitutional. A decision in the Dobbs case, based on Mississippi’s 15-week ban, is expected this summer.

In addition to prohibiting abortion pills by mail and the 15-week ban on abortion, other important provisions in HB 3, include: updating the law pertaining to minors seeking abortion, parental consent and judicial bypass; requiring dignified disposal of preborn human remains; and prohibiting public agency funds from being paid to any entity, organization, or individual that performs or refers for abortion.


The Family Foundation is the leading Christian public policy organization in Kentucky and stands for Kentucky families and the Biblical values that make them strong. Learn more at

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